Sabtu, 11 November 2017

Say This Metropolis Has 10 Millions Souls Past Times W.H Auden

Say This City Has Ten Millions Souls
W.H Auden
Auden was born inwards 1907 together with was educated at Oxford. He moved to the U.S inwards 1939 together with became an American citizen.

W.H Auden inwards this touching poesy form captures the feel of alienation together with isolation of outsiders coming to a province non their own. Particularly, the poet is talking most the High German Jews who fled their province afraid of Hitler s’ persecutions.

The passport is used every bit a symbol of personal identity, nonetheless it is meaningless document that excludes whatever human considerations, the alone reality is that the possession of the passport is non the fact of beingness alive. The feel of deprivation is remarkably conveyed through the icon of pampered dog, the fish which swim freely together with the birds which sing inwards the woods-the compassion is that the human life falls beneath the animate beingness level.

Man is imprisoned inwards grand shackles of race, colour together with creed, of nationality, of passports. These immigrants operate hunted, the most unwanted together with are beingness tracked past times the soldiers together with for them all doors together with windows are closed. There is no i who tin give the sack listen together with solve their basic problems.

 This poesy form reflects the plight together with bad status of the High German Jews who fled from Deutschland to ward off the atrocities of Adolf Hitler. But they were non certain that they volition confront the same problems inwards the province where they are going to settle.

In America, their basic human rights are non beingness recognized. They are beingness treated worse than animate beingness level. They pick out no passports together with are considered dead inwards official language. There the vocalization of Hitler on radio terrifies them. The native politicians politicize this upshot inwards monastic enjoin to teach fame together with to teach roughly votes.

In that province the fish together with birds are complimentary together with dogs are looked later good exactly basics human rights are non beingness given. The metropolis is rattling large having grand storied buildings exactly in that place is non a modest house for High German Jews who are alone confined to their camps inwards the opened upwardly areas inwards the intense weather.

This poesy form is a severe criticism on the together with thus called civilized American society. They heighten the slogans of giving basics human rights exactly this constabulary does non apply at their ain country. This story is a criticism on the urban life. Everybody is moving to together with trying to settle inwards the large cities exactly inwards administrative betoken of sentiment it becomes rattling hard to furnish them the basic necessities of life.