Minggu, 29 April 2018

Sabtu, 28 April 2018

Sabtu, 07 April 2018

2Nd Twelvemonth English Gauge Papers For Annual Exams 2019

Inter part-2 Guess papers for annual as well as supplementary Exams 2019.

                                    2nd Year English linguistic communication Guess Annual 2019
Important Chapters for Questions as well as Answers
1.      The Dying Sun
2.      Using the Scientific Method
3.      Why Boys neglect In College
4.      On destroying Books
5.      China s’ agency to Progress
6.      The Jewel Of the World

Important Heroes
1.      First Year At Harrow
2.      Sir Alexander Fleming
3.      Mustafa Kamal

Novel Good Bye Mr. Chips Important Questions
1.      What was Chips’ existent name?
2.      Why did Chips operate out Melbury School?
3.      When did Chips bring together BFS?
4.      Who was Collingwood?
5.      The kickoff coming together of Chips amongst Katherine Bridges?
6.      What did Katherine Say to Chips ane black earlier their Marriage?
7.      What were Chips Shortcomings?
8.      Who was Mr. Whetherby?
9.      What type of individual n Ralston Was?
10.  Why did Ralston inquire Chips to resign from BFS?
11.  Ralston s’ Row amongst Chips?
12.  Who was the caput of the Board of Governors?
13.  Why did Ralston operate out BFS?
14.  What yous know of doctor Merivale?
15.  Who was Mrs. Wicket?
16.  Write downwards the place of BFS?
17.  Write Brookfield contribution to England?
18.  What type of schoolhouse BFS was?
19.  What type of gown chips wears?
20.  Whom did Chips telephone telephone stink merchant?
21.  Who was Linford?
22.  Who was Sir George Lloyd?
23.  What was Chips’ will?
24.  Write a banker's complaint on BFS services inwards the war?
25.  Write a banker's complaint on Mr. Chatteris?
26.  When did Chips drib dead acting caput of BFS?
27.  Who was Cartwright?
28.  When did Chips retire for the minute time?

Important Essays
1.      My First Day at College.
2.      My Favourite personality
3.      My Hero inwards History
4.      My Aim inwards Life
5.      Democracy
6.      Co-education
7.      Science__ Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Blessing or Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Curse
8.      Pleasure of College Life
Important Idioms
1.      At the eleventh hour
2.      In a fix
3.      Through thick as well as thin
4.      A burning questions
5.      At sixes as well as sevens
6.      By midpoint as well as soul
7.      An oily tongue
8.      Persian fault
9.      Wet blanket
10.  Read betwixt the lines
11.  For good
12.  A laughing stock
13.  Of the kickoff water
14.  All Luna shine
15.  Bear the brunt of
16.  A to Z
17.  On ane page
18.  In the same boat
19.  Bell the cat
20.  Stand by
21.  Carry the day
22.  Cast aside
23.  Go dorsum on
24.  In total swing
25.  Get rid of
26.  Hard as well as fast
27.  Face the music
28.  An Amazon
29.  Take in
30.  Let the truthful cat endure out of the bag

Translation Passages
The passages on Pakistan, on Quaid-e-Azam, on Allama Iqbal, on educational activity system, on inflation etc…

Click hither to read Inter part-2 English linguistic communication Notes

Kamis, 05 April 2018

1St Twelvemonth English Notes All Chapters Questions,Answers

First Year English All Chapters Questions too Answers amongst Urdu Meanings of hard words

Lesson .1                                          Button, Button
Why did Norma consider the tone too mental attitude of Mr. Steward offensive?
She idea that Mr. Steward was a salesman too he had come upward at that spot for some sales purposes.That was why, Norma idea the tone too mental attitude of Mr. Steward offensive.

Why did Arthur disagree amongst his wife?
Mr. Arthur was a sort too a logical man. He was against pushing the clitoris because he idea it as murdering someone without whatever reason.

Why did Norma attempt to persuade her hubby to concord amongst her?
By nature Norma was a selfish too greedy woman. She wanted to improve her measure of life. That is why she persuaded her hubby to force the clitoris for gaining 50 K dollars.

What were the reasons Norma gave to her hubby to take away hold the offer?
She wanted to purchase a trouble solid on an island, to take away hold prissy car, prissy furniture. It was also their wishing to take away hold a worldwide tour. So, these were the reasons she gave to her husband.

Why did Mr. Steward move on persuading Norma?
Being an experienced person, he presently observed that Norma was a greedy adult woman too she could practise anything to acquire her wishes fulfilled. This was the argue he continued persuading Norma too non her husband.

What is the importance of Arthur's insurance policy?
Arthur had an insurance policy of 20 v K dollars which would acquire doubled inwards illustration of his abrupt death.  The importance of this policy is that it was the same amount offered past times Steward.

What was the message Norma received on pushing the button?
She received a telephone phone telephone from the hospital; the vocalization informed her nigh the decease of her hubby inwards a subway accident.

Did Norma remain normal on hearing the word of her husband's death?
No, she did non remain normal on hearing this word .She picked upward the clitoris unit of measurement from the waste matter bin too started smashing it against the border of the sink. She did non notice that her fingers were injured during this act.


Lesson .2                                        Clearing inwards the Sky

Why did non the sometime human being follow the advice of the doctor?
The sometime human being was potent mentally. He was a human being of potent nerves too determination. He wanted to defeat his illness past times hard work. So, that was why he did non follow the advice of the doctor.

What had the doctors told the sometime man?
The doctors advised the sometime human being to pick out residual too non to walk fifty-fifty a distance of a metropolis block. They advised him to move dwelling past times taxi rather than past times walking.

Where did the sometime human being pick out his son?
The sometime human being took his boy at the top of a mountain. He wanted to demo him a slice of a ground where he had planted vegetables.

Had the boy ever been at that spot before?
In his childhood, his boy had been at that spot many times but since the past times iii years, he had non visited that place.

What were the names of the vegetables the sometime human being grew on his farm?
The sometime human being grew at that spot potatoes, yams too tomatoes. These vegetables were unique inwards sense of savor because they had been grown amongst utmost attention at top soil.

Why did the sometime human being pick out the steep path?
The sometime human being was a human being of volition powerfulness too determination; he wanted to defeat the illness past times hard work. Moreover, this was his agency of knowing whether he was getting ameliorate or not.

Why did the boy at the historic menstruation of 6 cry?
The boy at the historic menstruation of 6 call because had had lost his footling wooden turn inwards a furrow too this footling turn was real love to him. His begetter made some other turn for him but he never liked it as he liked the showtime one.
What were the feelings of the sometime human being at the historic menstruation of seventy?
At the historic menstruation of seventy, his feelings were quite good; he was satisfied amongst his life. He wanted to savour life fifty-fifty at the historic menstruation of seventy.

Why had the sometime human being planted his hush-hush garden?
The sometime human being had planted his hush-hush garden because he wanted to acquire ameliorate flavour vegetables. He also wanted to examine his courage too determination.

Lesson .3                          Dark They were,and Golden Eyed

Why did Harry want to move dorsum to the Earth?
He wanted to move dorsum to the basis because he institute that at that spot climate was unsuitable for them. No human could hold upward there.

Why did he want to stay?
He wanted to remain on Mars because his married adult woman too children were non willing to move dorsum to the Earth. So, he had no other alternative than staying there.

What climate did they face?
They faced real harsh climate on Mars. There the air pressure level was unbearable; they felt as if they were standing earlier a vacuum.
What was the status of the Bittering identify unit of measurement on hearing the word of state of war on the Earth?
When the identify unit of measurement heard the word of state of war on the Earth, they got likewise much shocked. The children started weeping.

What did they want to grow?
They wanted to grow vegetables of many kinds there. They also planned to enhance children too to convey them up.

What was the status of their house?
Their houses status was non good. The basis settlements lost its master copy form. The painted houses looked peeled too flaked.

What was the advice Harry gave to the people?
Harry suggested them to create a rocket collectively to move dorsum to the basis but no ane co-operated amongst him too he had to piece of work all alone.

How unsafe tin a Martian virus be?

The Martian virus tin live real dangerous. It causes alter of color of the eyes. It tin dissolve one’s’ intellect. It tin cut down ane too thence slim to live looked similar a child.

Lesson .4                          Thank You,M'am

What was the fourth dimension when the man child attempt to snatch the purse of the woman?
At nigh eleven O' clock of nighttime the man child tried to snatch the purse of the woman.

What happened to the man child when he tried to snatch the purse of the woman?
When the man child tried to snatch the purse of the woman, the strap of the purse broke amongst a unmarried jerk given past times the boy.

What was the reaction of the woman?
The adult woman simply turned,caught the man child past times his shirt forepart too jerked him until his teeth rattled.She kicked correct foursquare on his blueish jeans sitter.

What was the reaction of the people who were seeing the incident?
The people who were passing past times them,some of them stopped to see,a few simply notices too took their ways.

How did the man child expect physically?
The man child looked failed too willow wild.He was inwards 14 or fifteen.He was wearing a blueish jeans too his human face upward was dirty.

What was the status of the man child when the adult woman gave him a few jerks?
When the adult woman gave him a few jerks,his teeth rattled too elbow grease popped out from his face.He requested the adult woman to turn him loose.

Why did the adult woman enquire the man child to launder his face?
The adult woman asked the man child to launder his human face upward because it was dirty.

Why did non the man child run from the trouble solid of the woman?
He wanted to win the trust of the adult woman too he also did non want to live mistrusted now.

Why did non the adult woman scout the man child piece preparing a dish?
The adult woman did non scout the man child piece making the dish because she wanted to cheque whether he would run or not.It was her ain agency to brand him a skilful man child past times restoring his confidence.

What was the nature of the adult woman s' job?

The adult woman worked inwards a beauty parlor that remained opened till belatedly night.

Lesson .5                         The Piece of String

Why did Manana bill Hubert of picking the lost pocketbook?
Manana defendant Hubert of picking the lost handbag as he had seen him picking something from the basis on the same morn from the same place.

What did the people recollect of Hubert when they heard the provide of handbag past times some other person?
When the people heard of the provide of the lost pocket mass to its possessor past times some other person,they idea that Hubert had thrown that pocket book  because of the fearfulness of beingness caught.

Why did George give the pocket mass to his employer?
George was an illiterate person,he could non read the address written on it.So he gave the pocket mass to his employer.

What made Hubert shameful?
It was non the thing itself which made Hubert shameful but to live called a liar made him shameful.It was unbearable for him to live called a liar.

Why did the people make fun of his innocence?
The people made fun of his innocence as he was a miserable man.The to a greater extent than he tried to bear witness his innocence,the to a greater extent than people made fun of his innocence.

Why did he hold claiming his innocence earlier his death?
He kept claiming his innocence because he did non want to expire as a liar.He wanted to bear witness his innocence inwards his life.

Lesson .6                          The Reward

What was the dependent area discussed at the club?
The dependent area discussed at the gild was the demand of opportunity and determination(عزم) inwards monastic tell to acquire success inwards life.

What did Terbut think of Jorken s' argument?
He idea that Jorken s' declaration was non appropriate.He said that how could ane move a skating champion inwards Sahara without whatever opportunity.

How did Jorken convince(مُطمن کرنا) that a human being tin move a skating champion of Sahara?
Jorken convinced that if ane wanted to live a skating champion inwards Sahara, showtime he should adjust some coin to create a skating rank inwards Sahara.

How did Georgios persuade(ترغیب دی) his people to brand his province strong?
He described the merits(خوبیاں) too qualities of courtroom acrobat too the healthy impacts(اثرات) of this spot inwards the country.

What was the viewpoint of Georgios' parents?
Their viewpoint(نقطعہ نظر) was that 'every thing takes time'.They opined(رائے دی) that every thing could live achieved through potent decision inwards this world.

What were the arrangements made for the function?
There were swings hung from the ceiling.The throne room was changed into gymnasium.Hurdles of dissimilar sort were decorated too erected(نصب کرنا).There was overflowing of colorful lights.

What were Georgios' feelings on that occasion?
His feelings were real high.He had succeeded after a long too tiring(تھکا دینے والی) endeavor inwards life.

Did Gerogios usage pismire curt cutting to attain his ambition?

No,he did non usage pismire shortcut to attain his ambition,rather he covered a  long distance to attain his life goal.

How long had Gorgios to stick to his ambition achieved?
He had to stick to his ambition nigh 60 years. He learnt at the final phase of his life that everything takes time.

Why were the brilliant(شاندار) dresses pose into shade?

When a overflowing of colorful lights fell on the walls of the gymnasium,the colorful dresses were pose into the shade.

Lesson .7                        The Use of Force

What was the status of the parents on the arrival(آمد) of the doctor?
On the arrival of the doctor,the status of the parents was non good.They were nervous too embarrassed(پریشان).They were eyeing the MD upward too downward distrustfully(شک سے).

What was the demeanour of the kid amongst the doctor?
The sick kid was non create to cooperate amongst the doctor at whatever cost.She was looking at him amongst steady cold(غصے سے) too distrusted eyes.

She had a fever for iii days?Had she not?
Yes, she had a fever for iii days.The drive of her fever was diphtheria(خناق).

Did the missy alter her expressions when the MD said, 'does your pharynx wound you'?
No, the missy did non alter her expressions.Rather she continued looking at him amongst her apartment human face upward too steady eyes.

Why did the MD telephone phone the sick girl by her showtime name?
The MD called the sick missy past times her showtime call because he wanted to move familiar amongst her too thence as to move far possible for him to acquire her pharynx examined.

Did the sick missy promptly(فوری طور پر) respond to instructions of the doctor?
No, the sick missy did non respond to the instructions of the doctor.She rather attacked him too pushed his spectacles downward to the basis amongst her claws.

Why did the parents rebuke(ڈانٹنا) her?
When she attacked the doctor,the parents scolded(ڈانٹا) the sick girl.

What was the threat if the doctor to the kid if she did non demo her throat?
The MD said that he would usage strength to examine her pharynx too also he would pick out her to hospital.

Why did she break wooden blade(لکڑی کا چمچ)?
When the MD used force,she broke the wooden blade taking it into her molars.

What was the status of the tonsils of the sick girl?
The status of the tonsils of the missy was non good.Both the tonsils were covered with a membrane(جھلی).

Lesson .8                        The Gulistan Of Sadi

What was the advice Nushirvan gave to his people?
He advised his people to pay for fifty-fifty for a small-scale amount of tabular array salt too thence that it may non move a custom(رواج).He was of the thought that every large evil starts from a small-scale evil.

What was the remedy suggested past times the physicians(ڈاکٹر) for the illness of the king?
The remedy suggested past times the physicians for the cure of the manly someone monarch s' illness was to shed the blood of a immature man endued(جس میں موجود ہوں) amongst sure qualities.

Why did the man child expect to the heaven too smile?
The circumstances(حالات) were against him.He was favoured past times none.The Qazi issued a decree(حُکم دیا) to kill the man child to cure the manly someone monarch of his disease.The man child looked to the heaven too smiled thinking that Allah Almighty would for sure assist him.

What should live the role of a Qazi?
The role of the the Qazi must live fair too positive.He should practise justice without whatever discrimination(بلاامتیاذ).

Why did the King weep?
The manly someone monarch felt ashamed too he wept over his selfishness(خود غرضی).He was afraid that he was going to kill an innocent man child simply to acquire rid of his disease.

How did the King recover?
The King freed the innocent man child too gave him a lot of wealth,he recovered within a week.It was due to his God fearing deed.

Lesson .9                       The Foolish Quack

What is a clump(جھرمٹ) of tree?
A large number of trees which shape a grouping is called a clump of trees.Its shadow is real dark too cool.Usually it is institute out side of a village.

What was stuck inwards Camel s' throat?
Wile grazing inwards a field,the camel ate a melon which got stuck inwards its pharynx too it became real hard to swallow.(نگلنا)

What did the quack pretend(بہانہ بنانا) to cure.
He ,while going to the side past times side village,pretended to live a MD who could cure( علاج کرنا) the goiter(گلے کی بیماری) well.It was too thence because he had seen a camel beingness treated inwards this way.

What did the quack practise amongst the sometime woman?
He tied a blanket around the cervix of the sometime adult woman too stuck the swollen(سوجھا ہوا) component division amongst all his might.(پوری قوت سے)

What was the outcome of that cure?
The outcome of that cure was real bad,the sometime adult woman died instantly.(فوری)

What was the penalty inflicted upon(مُسلط کرنا) the quack past times the villagers?
All the villagers compelled(زبردستی کوئی کام کروانا) the quack to dig the grave of the sometime adult woman who had died due to his incorrect treatment.
For whom did the quack dig the grave?
When the sometime adult woman had died ,the villagers asked him to dig the grave of that sometime woman.

What did the quack practise inwards the side past times side village?
He went to the side past times side hamlet pretended over again to live a doctor.This fourth dimension too sometime human being wanted to acquire his services.

Why did non the villagers permit the sometime human being acquire cured?
When the quack said that they would non strength him to dig the grave of the sometime man,the villagers refused to acquire their patient cured past times him.

Why did the quack come upward dorsum to the camel men?
He came dorsum to the camel men inwards monastic tell to know the correct agency of curing the disease.He was sure that they volition guide him well.

Lesson .9                       The Foolish Quack

What is a clump(جھرمٹ) of tree?
A large number of trees which shape a grouping is called a clump of trees.Its shadow is real dark too cool.Usually it is institute out side of a village.

What was stuck inwards Camel s' throat?
Wile grazing inwards a field,the camel ate a melon which got stuck inwards its pharynx too it became real hard to swallow.(نگلنا)

What did the quack pretend(بہانہ بنانا) to cure.
He ,while going to the side past times side village,pretended to live a MD who could cure( علاج کرنا) the goiter(گلے کی بیماری) well.It was too thence because he had seen a camel beingness treated inwards this way.

What did the quack practise amongst the sometime woman?
He tied a blanket around the cervix of the sometime adult woman too stuck the swollen(سوجھا ہوا) component division amongst all his might.(پوری قوت سے)

What was the outcome of that cure?
The outcome of that cure was real bad,the sometime adult woman died instantly.(فوری)

What was the penalty inflicted upon(مُسلط کرنا) the quack past times the villagers?
All the villagers compelled(زبردستی کوئی کام کروانا) the quack to dig the grave of the sometime adult woman who had died due to his incorrect treatment.
For whom did the quack dig the grave?
When the sometime adult woman had died ,the villagers asked him to dig the grave of that sometime woman.

What did the quack practise inwards the side past times side village?
He went to the side past times side hamlet pretended over again to live a doctor.This fourth dimension too sometime human being wanted to acquire his services.

Why did non the villagers permit the sometime human being acquire cured?
When the quack said that they would non strength him to dig the grave of the sometime man,the villagers refused to acquire their patient cured past times him.

Why did the quack come upward dorsum to the camel men?
He came dorsum to the camel men inwards monastic tell to know the correct agency of curing the disease.He was sure that they volition guide him well.

Lesson .10                      A Mild Attack of Locusts

What are locusts?(ٹڈیاں)
Locusts are some sort of winged insects.They assail the crops inwards the shape of a swarm too has powerfulness to create clean all the greenery in no time.Their assail is real harmful for the farmers.

Why did the farmers throw moisture leaves on fire?
The farmers threw moisture leaves on the give the axe to brand the fume acrid(تیز),thick too dense.The locusts are afraid of the acrid fume too are unable to encounter too ground on that farm.

What was the want of every farmer?
Every farmer desired to salve his crops from the deadly assail of the locusts.They were producing fume inwards large amount too went on ringing turn share(ہل کا پھالا) to salve their crops from the assail of the locusts.

Did Margaret know what to practise to hold locusts away?
No, she did non know how to hold the locusts away from the fields.But when she saw the villagers doing too thence ,she knew how to hold the locusts away from the fields.

What was the status of the trees?
The trees without leaves were looking real queer too strange.Their boughs were clotted amongst insects

How did sometime Stephen care for the stray locust which he institute on his shirt?
He picked upward a stray locust from his coat too crushed it into 2 amongst his thumbnail.It was clotted amongst eggs inside.

Are hoppers dissimilar from the locusts?
Yes, hoppers are dissimilar from locusts.They are small,tiny locusts that remain inwards the beds(کیاریاں) of the fields for years till they grow into locusts.

Did Margaret lose substance on the loss of the crops?
No, she did non lose substance on the loss of the crops.She prepared repast for the men.She was create to assist inwards the replanting process.

Why are the locusts compared amongst the bad weather?
Bad conditions is harmful for the crops too thence as the locusts are harmful for the crops.This is why locusts are compared amongst the bad weather.

Why did the men swallow their supper(شام کا کھانا) amongst skilful appetites(جی بھر کر)?
The men ate their supper amongst skilful appetites because they wanted to refresh themselves to restart their piece of work of farming too sowing.

Lesson .11                      I take away hold a Draem

What was the drive of Negros' discontentment?(نا راضگی)
The Negroes were non beingness treated every bit inwards America too they were also beingness deprived of(محروم) their key rights(بُنیادی حقوق).They were non allowed to alive inwards the areas where the White lived.

What are the qualities of veterans sufferings?
The someone who is the victim of veteran(تجربہ کار) sufferings becomes a solid animal who never gives inwards earlier hardships.

What is the dream of King Martin Luther Jr.?
His dream is that a twenty-four hr menstruation volition come upward when all the sons of farm owners too the children of the slaves volition live able to bring together hands too alive similar brothers too sisters.All the Negroes volition live every bit treated inwards America too they volition also enjoy equal rights.

What should live the faith of Negroes?
Their faith should live that they should presently win the freedom.They volition live given equal rights.

What was the necessity of pleading(لڑنا) the illustration of Negroes' freedom?(آزادی)
The Negroes were beingness treated as slaves inwards america.They were tortured brutally(ظالمانہ طور پر) past times the police.When they demanded equal rights ,they were sent to narrow jail cells.

What should live the criterion(اصول) of sentence for a person?

A someone should live judged past times the contents of his grapheme too non past times the color of his skin.But inwards America this criterion was non beingness followed.They judged a someone past times the color of his skin.

Do the Negroes savour liberty(آزادی) inwards all the parts of their country?
No,the Negroes practise non savour liberty inwards the all parts of their country.They are beingness treated similar slaves in the all parts of their country.

From which parts of the province did the Negroes get together there?
The Negroes gathered at that spot from the dissimilar parts of America.They had come upward from Mississippi,Alabama,South Carolina,Georgia,Louisiana,California,Tennessee too Colorado.

Write downward the vocal inwards your own words?
The writer says that his province is the ground of liberty where he lives according to his ain will(مرضی).It is ground where his forefathers(آباواجداد) are buried.He says that his ground is sacred(مُقدس) ground where pilgrims(سیاح) come upward to see it.
What is the lawsuit of the repetition(تکرار) of the words?
The phrase 'I take away hold a dream' is repeated over again too over again inwards the story.This repetition of words helps the readers reminding the dependent area matter(موضوع) of the story.

Lesson .12                      The Gift of Magi

How much did she salve for Christmas?
She only saved ane dollar too lxxx vii cent to purchase a prissy gift for her Jim on the eve of Christmas.

Why did she experience proud on the beauty of her hair?
Her pilus were real beautiful too long too they were to a greater extent than beautiful than the pilus of a queen.That was why she was proud on the beauty of her hair.

Why did she sell her hair?
She had non coin plenty to purchase a gift for Jim on the eve of Christmas,so she sold her pilus to purchase a gift for Jim.

Why did Jim sell the atomic number 79 watch?
He sold his atomic number 79 scout because he wanted to purchase a gift of combs for Della.

Why did they want to telephone commutation the gifts?
They were Magi ,so it was the tradition of the Magi to telephone commutation gifts on the Christmas.

Why did she experience lamentable on losing her hair?
She feared that Jim would non similar her without pilus because she was non looking beautiful without her hair.

Why did Jim non welcome her when he stepped in?
He did non welcome her because she had sold her pilus too Jim s' gift of the combs became useless.

What did he convey out of his coat?
He brought out  combs from his coat  too these were the combs Della desired to purchase since a long time.

How beautiful was the atomic number 79 scout chain?
It was made of pure atomic number 79 too it was real beautiful,a perfect check for his atomic number 79 watch.
What was the wisdom inwards selling the most valuable things?
The purity of thoughts was the wisdom inwards selling the most valuable things.Though they sold their valuable things yet they were rich amongst deep feelings for ane another.

Lesson .13                     God Be Praised

What was alias Abuls total name?
His total call was Maulvi Abul Barkat, alias Abul.

What was his turban known as too where it originally come upward from?
His turban was known as  Mashdi Lungi.It was originally come upward from Mashhad, a famous metropolis inwards Iran.

What did he ever send amongst him?
He ever carried amongst him a aureate walking stick.It was aureate amongst decorated band of brass too silver.

Describe Maulvi s' appearance?
Maulvi abul has slightly bulging eyes.He wore a chocolate-brown turban.He used fragrant oil for his hair.He walked amongst the assist of a stick.

How much did the Maulvi collect on every Eid?
On every Eid ,he collected Rs. 150 to 200 too out of them he distributed 40 to 50 Rupees amidst the miserable too the needy people.

How much was distributed amidst the miserable too the needy people?
He distributed 40 to l rupees amidst the miserable too the needy people.

What was the call of his eldest daughter?
The call of his eldest daughter was Mehrun.

What was the call of the fellow member of the District Board where the Maulvi  lived?
The call of the fellow member of the District Board was Chaudhry Fathedad.

What was the call of his wife?
The call of his married adult woman was Zaibunisa.
Write the names of other 2 daughters who are mentioned inwards the story?
The names of the 2 daughters who are mentioned inwards the storey are Zabun too Umda.

Lesson .14                     Overcoat

What was the color of the overcoat of the immature man?
The immature human being was a nifty fellow,he was wearing an sometime coat.The color of that coat was brown.

What was his appearance?
He was a immature human being amongst sparse mustache. He wore side burns.He was wearing a chocolate-brown sometime overcoat amongst a bloom on its lapels.

Why did the people come upward out on the Mall?
It was a wintry evening.The intense mutual frigidity induced the people to come upward out on the Mall to seek comfort inwards pleasure.They wanted to amuse themselves.
What were the people wearing who came on the Mall?
They were wearing dissimilar kinds of overcoats-from the astrakhan to the fossil oil military machine khaki.

Who were the people wearing such wearing clothing too had come upward on the Mall?
All types of people were introduce there.There were also the people who liked loneliness too did non similar to come upward out of their shelter.

Why was the truthful cat shivering?
It was unbearable mutual frigidity inwards that evening,the mutual frigidity was shivering due to cold.

Why did the driver of the truck speed away later the accident?
When the accident occurred,the truck driver slowed downward the speed but sensing the seriousness of the situation,he took wages of the darkness too disappeared from the scene.

Who took the immature human being later the accident to the hospital?
The passersby loaded the immature human being into a auto too took him into a nearby hospital.

What sort of music was beingness played inwards ane of the restaurants?
In ane of the restaurants,an orchestra was playing English linguistic communication symphony.
Give the listing of the articles which were institute from the coat of the young man?
The next were the articles which were institute inwards the diverse pockets of his coat: a small-scale dark comb,a handkerchief,six annas too a few pies,a one-half smoked cigarette,a footling diary inwards which the names too the addresses of a few people were written,a listing of gramophone records too a few manus bills which distributors had thrust upon him during his eventide walk.
Question. 11
What is the moral of the story?
The moral of the storey is that nosotros should non hold upward the appearance. We should not pretend to live a rich someone if,in actual,we are not so.
Write a gist of the storey inwards x lines?
Select whatever x lines from the higher upward answers.