Selasa, 17 Maret 2020

All Latest Educational Data All Schools Colleges Universities

The universities volition acquit these exams inwards June  All Latest Educational Information All Schools Colleges Universities

سکولوں سمیت تمام تعلیمی ادارے 31 مئی تک بند رہیں گے

سکول والے صرف ٹوٹل فیس کا fourscore ٪ لیں گے

31 مئی تک سکول والے کسی بھی ٹیچر کو فارغ نہیں کر سکے گے

اس دوران تما ٹیچرز کو مُکمل تنخواہ دی جائے گی

محکمہ تعلیم نے والدین کی پُر زورفرمائش پر تمام پرئیویٹ سکولوں کو زور دے کر کہا ہے کہ وہ والدین سے اپریل اور مئی کی پوری فیس وصول نہیں کریں گے بلکہ ٹوٹل فیس کا 80٪ تک وصول کر سکیں گے۔مزید یہ کہ اس دوران کسی بھی ٹیچر کو سکول سے فاغ نہیں کیا جائے گا بلکہ اُسے مُکمل سیلری ادا کی جائے گی۔موجودہ کرونا بحران کی وجہ سے حکومت نے تمام تعلیمی اداروں کو 31 مئی تک چُھٹیاں دے دی ہیں جو کہ گرمیوں کی تعطلیات کے طور پر سمجھی جائیں گی۔مُلک میں جاری لاک ڈاؤن کی وجہ سے معاشی سرگرمیاں تھمنے کی وجہ سے والدین کے سکولوں کی فیس ادا کرنا مُشکل ہو گیا ہے

Posted on 26 / 03 /2020

Cambridge Postponed O/A Levels Exams In Pakistan


BA/B.Sc Annual 2020 Exams accept been postponed till 31st May 2020

The universities volition acquit these exams inwards June 2020

Ministry of Federal Education issues a Notification

Today nineteen March 2020

Federal Minister decides to postponed all Exams till 1st June

شفقت محمود کی آج کی جانے والی پریس کانفرنس کے اہم پوائینٹس
تمام تعلیمی ادارے five اپریل تک بند رہے گے
اہم تعلیمی فیصلے 27 مارچ کو کیے جایں گے
مُلک بھر میں تمام امتحانات مُلتوی کر دیے گے ہیں
کیمبرج کے تمام امتحانات مُلتوی کر دیے گے ہیں
تمام بورڈز کے مُلتوی کیے جانے والے امتحانات اب یکم جون کے بعد ہوں گے

Teaching Staff volition Not Attend the Institutes

Today Fresh Notification of SU Regarding Exams Postponement

PU Today Picture,captured yesteryear a Student.All engagement are Extended

Punjab University Press Release

This Notification is of UET

Punjab University Notification

Allama Iqbal Open University Notification

Minggu, 15 Maret 2020

Ma English Par.1 New Adam Bede Past Times George Eliot Summary

MA English linguistic communication Part.1 Novel together with Notes

Adam Bede
Gorge Eliot
Marry an Evans wrote this new nether the pen-name of George Eliot every mo no ane liked to read novels written yesteryear woman individual writers inward Victorian age. This new is an autobiography of George Eliot. This new was published inward 1859 that was an era of Queen Victoria.

Adam Bede, a practiced natured, sort hearted carpenter is the protagonist of the novel. He is the virtual caput of the household unit of measurement every mo his manful individual nurture Thias Bede is useless swain who oft remains inward the influence of drinking. Thias dies yesteryear drowning nether the sever effects of drinking.

Adam s’ younger blood brother Seth Bede is inward dear alongside Dinah Morris who is a devoted priestess together with this fourth dimension she rejects Seth s’ union offering maxim that if always she would always marry, it would hold upwards Seth. Seth is disappointed but consoles himself alongside this pledge of Dinah Morris.

Adam industrial plant at a workshop whose possessor Mr.Burge desires that Adam should hook upwards alongside her daughter. Adam Bede is inward dear alongside a beautiful immature adult woman Hetty Sorrel who is proud together with extravagant. Hetty loves together with wants to hook upwards alongside with a Squire s’ boy Captain Arthur Donnithrone who is a state of war machine officer. Arthur afterwards receiving a mitt injury comes to remain at Hay Slope. He is impressed yesteryear Hetty s’ beauty together with seduces her. Hetty deems it a existent dear offering together with starts loving him. They many times consider inward the wood together with commencement dear making.

Adam Bede knowing the reality tries to convince Hetty that Arthur is alone misusing her but she ignores him. Once Arthur happens to locomote yesteryear inward the wood where he catches the duad cherry handed. He gives a terrible thrash to Arthur who faints. There he makes him write a alphabetic quality bearing the message that she does non dear Hetty. Hetty is disappointed, similar a shot she turns to Adam Bede. Their union is fixed.

But earlier marriage, she come upwards to know that she is important ,she searches Arthur to enjoin him that babe inward her womb is his but she does non uncovering Arthur anywhere. On her agency back, inward the forest, she gives nascence to a baby. She hides the babe inward a whole nether a tree together with covers it alongside grass together with planks.
The babe is seen yesteryear a individual who takes it to his line of piece of occupation solid but the babe dies. He tells the ascendance together with they commencement searching the killer.

After many days Hetty goes to the wood nether that tree to consider the baby. She is arrested together with taken to the police trace station. Under the charges of infanticide, she is persecuted together with given uppercase punishment. Arthur come upwards in that place together with afterwards a difficult combat he is successful inward reducing her penalty to life imprisonment. Dinah Morris makes her confess her crime. During this she gets roughly Adam Bede.

Seeing that Dinah has inclination towards Adam Bede, Seth Bede sacrifices his love. Dinah Morris together with Adam Bede hook upwards alongside together with on this union Adam s’ Brother Seth has no objection. Hetty Sorrel dies during this. Adam Bede, Seth Bede together with Dinah Morris commencement living a happy life.

Minggu, 08 Maret 2020

Ba English Solved Comprehension

BA English linguistic communication Comprehension

 In Pakistan, media is working freely as well as independently. In example of electronic media, at that topographic point are a number of channels are working including news, sports as well as amusement channels. It is the responsibleness of media to highlight those issues which are skilful for Blue Planet as well as discourage unethical factors of the society. Sometimes media also spreading the root causes of whatsoever issue, contributes to multiply wordings over approximately trial as well as crises. Media should hold upwardly really sensitive piece presenting its province towards the world. Our media tells the footing what precisely nosotros are, what are our norms, values as well as culture. Being an Islamic country, our media should stand upwardly for us inward a skilful way towards the world. Media heighten the cognition of world as well as communicates all the happenings to the public. Media manufacture of Islamic Republic of Pakistan is growing fast amongst much potential as well as seemingly brilliant futurity ahead. Media should non utilization negative tools to growth their viewership.

1.      What is the house of media inward Pakistan?
2.      How does media introduce our province to the world?
3.      What should hold upwardly business office of media?
4.      What does liberty of aspect means?
5.      Suggest a suitable championship to the passage?
6.      Write a precis of the passage?

1.      In our province media has a really prominent place. It is working freely as well as independently. Many electronic channels similar news, amusement as well as sports are working inward Pakistan.
2.      In our province that is an Islamic province media presents our Islamic norms as well as values. It presents our Islamic civilization to the world.
3.      In developing province icon to the world, media plays an of import role. It also plays an of import business office inward the evolution of country. It should highlights those problems which are inward world interest, it should discourage unethical factors from the society.
4.      Freedom of aspect agency that media should hold upwardly moderate. It should non spread incorrect tidings as well as should away from xanthous journalism.
5.      The suitable championship may hold upwardly ‘Role of Media inward Pakistan’.

In our province media has a really prominent place. It is working freely as well as independently. Many electronic channels similar news, amusement as well as sports are working inward Pakistan. In our province that is an Islamic province media presents our Islamic norms as well as values. It presents our Islamic civilization to the world. In developing province icon to the world, media plays an of import role. It should highlights those problems which are inward world involvement as well as discourage unethical values from the society. Freedom of aspect agency that media should hold upwardly moderate.

 media is working freely as well as independently BA English linguistic communication Solved Comprehension

Ba Didactics Tertiary Punjab Academy Changed Designing For Annual 2020 As Well As Upcoming Exams

BA Education tertiary Year New Paper Pattern

BA Part.1 New Pattern of Education for Annual 2020 in addition to all Upcoming Exams

rd Punjab University Changed Pattern for Annual  BA Education tertiary Punjab University Changed Pattern for Annual 2020 in addition to upcoming Exams

Only Education Paper Pattern Changed for Annual 2020 in addition to onward Exams

Only didactics tertiary Pattern Changed,Islamyat in addition to Pak.St non changed for Annual 2020 Exams.

Ba English Of Import Dialogue On The Withdraw Of Tolerance Inwards Our Society

                           BA English linguistic communication Dialogue

Dialogue betwixt 2 friends on the need of tolerance inward our country
Umar:   Brother, how are you?
Ali:        I am fine in addition to well for yous amongst the blessings of Allah Almighty.
Umar:   I convey been waiting for yous since a long time.
Ali:         Sorry, it took roughly fourth dimension to come.
Umar:   Why did yous come upwards late, equally yous know, I convey to learn somewhere.
Ali:        There happened a foreign incident on the agency that is why I am late.
Umar:   What happened on the way, delight state me.
Ali:         Two men were fighting amongst each other on a really short issue.
Umar:    It is a routine thing inward our country.
Ali:         Yes, it is due to lack of tolerance in addition to patience.
Umar:    By the way, what was the argue of conflict betwixt them?
Ali:         It was a thing of route crossing, they demanded superiority.
Umar:    We should follow the principles of ethics in addition to tolerance.
Ali:         Yes, only it seems, that nosotros equally citizens convey lost these values totally.
Umar:   This is why, many mutual conflicts plough into serious issues.
Ali:         If nosotros convey the virtue of tolerance, nosotros tin seat honour to other opinions.
Umar:    Yes, inward this way, nosotros tin solve our many issues.
Ali:         People should follow the teachings of Islam that gives us the message of tolerance.
Umar:   Yes brother, all bad things are happening equally nosotros are non next Islamic teachings.
Ali:         I actually appreciate your ideas in addition to thoughts.
Umar:   We should non solely human activity on tolerance only should learn it to others.
Ali:        I also intend the same.
Umar:  Ok, I convey an urgent slice of work, I convey to go, Allah Hafiz.
Ali:        Brother, thank yous for your precious fourth dimension in addition to Allah Hafiz

                      Read all dialogues on BA English

Dialogue betwixt 2 friends on the need of tolerance inward our province BA English linguistic communication Important Dialogue on the Need of Tolerance inward Our Society

Minggu, 01 Maret 2020

Ba English Literature Books Introduction

BA English linguistic communication Literature Part.1 & two Syllabus together with Books

Paper H5N1 tertiary Year 100 Marks
Paper B quaternary Year 100 Marks
BA English linguistic communication Literature Books Introduction  BA English linguistic communication Literature Books Introduction
This Course Outline is of Punjab University
Course of all other Universities is same