Minggu, 19 Februari 2017

10Th English Papersubjectie

10th English                                  Time: 20 Min
                                                                                                                                                Marks: 19
Q.1. (A) Tick the right word.                                                                                                                    (4)
i. (a) Samultanously,               (b) Simaltaneusly,       (c) Semultanously,                  (d) Simultaneously
ii. (a)  Exacuation,                   (b) Exiecation,             (c) Execution,                          (d) Exeacution
iii. (a) Admnistretion,              (b) Administration,     (c) Admenistrotion,                 (d) Adminestrution
iv. (a) Competition,                 (b) Cumpitetion           (c) Camptetion,                       (d) Compatetion
(B)  Tick the right choice (Synonyms & Antonyms).                                                                             (5)
i. “Prior” to the commencement twenty-four hr catamenia of the New Year's Day it is customary for families to thoroughly construct clean their houses.’ The underlined give-and-take means:
(a)  Preceding                     (b) Following              (c) Subsequen
ii. ‘He decided every illustration brought to him, yesteryear friend or foe” alongside justice, without fearfulness of favour. The underlined give-and-take means:
(a)  Partner                          (b) Companion            (c) Enemy
iii. He advised the almost equitable invention for the setting of the Back Stone.’ The underlined give-and-take means:
(a)  Fair                              (b) Just                                    (c) Equal
iv. The terminal twain of years lead maintain been a long bumpy ride for me, every bit they lead maintain for everyone of my age. The underline phrase agency _______________.
(a)  Easy time                      (b) Hard together with challenging time                        (c) Leisure time
v. Lubna is the apple tree of her father’s eye. The metaphor Lubna is the apple means;
(a) Lubna is loved yesteryear her father.                       (b) Lubna manful somebody rear is mad at her.
(c) Lubna has an apple tree tree inwards her yard.
(C) Tick the right shape of verb.                                                                                                               (5)
i. He __________ to schoolhouse everyday.                                             
  (a) Goes                     (b) Is going                              (c) Went                                  (d) Will learn
ii. I __________ yous since Monday.                                                
 (a) Is non seeing          (b) Have non seen                    (c) Was non seeing                   (d) Will non seen
iii. I ___________ her what places she _______in Europe.           
  (a) Ask, visits            (b) Is asking, visiting               (c) Asked, had visited             (d) Will ask, visits
iv. I ___________ much coin ever.                                              
(a) Do non have,          (b) Is non having                      (c) Did non have                      (d) Will non have
v. The farmer ______________ the harvest earlier the rains.      
 (a) Reaps                    (b) Is reaping                           (c) Reaped                               (d) Will lead maintain reaped
 (D)  Tick the right option.                                                                                                                        (5)
i. We lead maintain to convey the bus_________ tomorrow morning.
(a) Early                      (b) Earlier                                (c) Earliest                               (d) Most early
ii. Maria vicious over the cat,
(a) Infinitive phrase     (b) Gerund phrase                   (c) Adjective phrase                (d) Adverb phrase
iii. Talha visited Turkey spell studying the history of Turkish art.
(a)  Infinitive phrase    (b) Gerund phrase                   (c) Prepositional phrase           (d) Adverb phrase
iv. If  he offers me a chore I                   it.
(a) Will accept             (b) Would accept                    (c) Would lead maintain accepted        (d) Would lead maintain accept
v. He himself volition survive our novel friend.
(a) Personal Pronoun   (b) Reflexive Pronoun             (c) Relative Pronoun               (d) Possessive Pronoun

Name: _______________________              10th English                                    Time: 2Hrs: 10 Min
                                                                                                                                     Marks: 56
Q. 2. Answer whatever 5 of the next questions.                                                                                      (10)
i. How are H2O resources nether neat stress?
ii. How tin dismiss career counselors assist the immature people?
iii. How does the scene await similar current of air is still?
iv. How are these experiences helpful to him inwards future?
v. What create the rich together with the miserable leaves stand upwards for?
vi. When create yous demand to encounter a doctor?
vii. What should nosotros create if nosotros abide by our project hard?
viii. Why is Chinese New Year's Day never on the same twenty-four hr catamenia each year?
Q. 3.    Translate into Urdu.                                                                                                                          (8)
            In gild to gain an agreement of independence together with responsibility, I held several summertime jobs inwards the preceding 2 years. I besides worked to assist myself financially inwards a boarding school. My commencement summertime chore was at the English linguistic communication Language Center. My minute chore was at McDonalds, together with my yesteryear summertime chore was at D.K Academy. I am thankful to all these institutions for these chore experiences. They lead maintain prepared me mentally together with financially.
Q.4. Write the summary of the poem, “Peace”                                                                                          (5)
Q.5. Write an attempt on whatever i topic.                                                                                                           (15)
i. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Rainy Day                        ii. Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 Cricket Match                 iii. Boy Scouts
Q.6. Change the narration of whatever 5 of the next sentences.                                                            (5)
i. He said, “I am unwell.”
ii. He said, “Do yous lead maintain whatever part inwards this firm?”
iii. The woman rear said, “Didn’t I inquire yous non to acquire there?”
iv. He said to his sister, “Please tell something.”
v. He said to her, “Please fetch me a drinking glass of water.”
vi. She said, “Would that my manful somebody rear were alive.”
vii. The instructor volition say, “You lead maintain done your travel really well.”
viii. He said, “Alas! We cannot defeat our enemies.”
Q.7. Use whatever 5 of the next pair of words inwards sentences.                                                                   (5)
i. Bare, Bear                        ii. Denied, Refused                     iii. Feet, Feat                           iv. Ice, Snow
v. Miner, Minor                  vi. Sole, Soul                               vii. Way, Weigh                      viii. Vine, Wine
Q.8. Translate inwards English.                                                                                                                             (8)
(a) والدین کی عزت کرنا ہمارا اخلاقی فرض ہے۔ وہ ہمارا بہت خیال رکھتے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں خوراک دیتے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں لباس دیتے ہیں۔ وہ ہمیں تمام چیزیں مہیا کرتے ہیں جن کی ہمیں ضرورت ہوتی ہے۔ وہ ہمیں سکول بھیجتے ہیں تاکہ ہم تعلیم حاصل کرنے کے بعد ان کی خدمت کریں۔ اس سے ہمیں راحت ملے گی۔

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