Minggu, 16 Oktober 2016

2Nd Twelvemonth English Model Paper/Past Papers

s Year: English linguistic communication Time: 2:30 hrs

Marks: 80         Subjective Types

Q. No. 3: (a). Write the brusque answers of whatever 6 questions. (6x2=12)
i. Why is life non possible on other planets?
ii. How has Los Angles solved the work of water?
iii. What are superstitious beliefs?
iv. Why does a man child non follow the direction of his parents?
v. What is the mental attitude of the lazy bluffers?
vi. Why does the author experience the vocalism of his maid a summons to damnation?
vii. Why was the author determined to destroy the books?
viii. Why was the author hesitant at showtime inwards throwing the books?
ix. What did the pharmacist tell to the writer?

(b). Write the brusque answers of whatever 6 questions. (6x2=12)
i. Why does the author telephone telephone the exam “inhospitable regions”?
ii. How did Mr. Somervell learn English?
iii. In whose favour is the author biased in addition to why?
iv. When in addition to from where did Christopher begin his journey?
v. Why did they kill the camel?
vi. How much of the desert journeying had he covered on reaching Timbuktu?
vii. What is the similarity betwixt Antiseptic in addition to aseptic method?
viii. How did Fleming break lysozyme?

(c). Write the brusque answers of whatever 8 questions from Good-Bye Mr. Chips.  (8x2=16)
i. Who is the author of Good-Bye Mr. Chips?
ii. What slice of advice id conditions past times give Mr. Chips in addition to why?
iii. What penalty did Mr. Chips give colley in addition to why?
iv. When did wetherby bring together Brookfield?
v. How did Mr. Chips operate on himself busy at Mrs. Wicket’s?
vi. How did Mr. Chips convey a gamble coming together amongst Katherine?
vii. How was Katharine inwards appearance?
viii. What did Katherine believe most women?
ix. What type of joke from Mr. Chips had never failed to delight the boys?
x. What happened after the poplar boys had been defeated at Soccer?
xi. Who was Faulkner?
xii. What form of Apr foolery did Mr. Chips non realize?

Q. No. 4. Write an try (300-400 words) on whatever ONE of the next topics: 15
i. My First Day at College ii. My Favorite Pastime
iii. Co-Education iv. Why I Love Pakistan

Q. No.5. Use whatever 5 of the next idioms inwards sentences of your own: 10
Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 fish out of H2O , Bad blood , Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 os of contention, Black sheep, Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 first vocalism communication , Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 broken reed, Break the H2O ice , By fits in addition to starts.

Q. No. 6. Translate the next passage into English. 15
علامہ اقبال ہمارے قومی شاعر ہیں۔وہ سیالکوٹ میں پیدا ہوے۔ابتدائی تعلیم واہاں سے حاصل کی۔اِس کے بعد وہ   لاہور آ گئے۔وہاں سے فلسفہ میں ایم اے کیا۔ اِس کے  بعد وہ اِنگلستان چلے گئے۔وہاں سے وکالت کی ڈگری حاصل کرنے کے بعد وطن واپس آ گئے۔ لاہور میں وکالت شروع کر دی لیکن جلد ہی اُسے خیر باد کہہ دیا۔آپ کی زیادہ تر دلچسپی شاعری میں تھی۔ آپ نے اپنے اشعار سے مسلمانوں میں ایک نیا جوش پیدا کر دیا۔                                                                                                                        

s Year: English linguistic communication Time: xxx mins

Marks: 20         Objective Types

Q. No. 1:  (a). Tick the right alternative of the next underlined words from. (03)
i. And inevitably it is an of import argue for apparent failure.
a. clearly b. alone c. necessarily d. probably
ii. Dreamed of almost mythical summertime holidays were at hand.
a. Temporary b. imaginary c. mystical d. practical
iii. If was a tramp.
a. Scholar b. traveler c. coward d. vagabond
(b). Tick the right alternative of the next under-lined words from. (03)
i. And in addition to thus merciful ushers collected my slice of foolscap.
a. door-keeper b. examiners c. supervisors d. inspectors
ii. He knew he was going to collapse.
a. Hit on b. give up c. intermission down d. behave with
iii. Their civilization plates were never contaminated.
a. Diseased b. cleaned c. sophisticated d. medicated
(c). Tick the right alternative of the next under-lined words from the novel Goodbye Mr. Chips. (04)
i. But its subsequent history never raised it to woods – rank status.
a. after b. before c. pregnant d. consistent
ii. Not that he was boastful or conceited.
a. Ambitious b. experienced c. respected d. proud
iii. He realized the inadequacy of his qualifications.
a. Leniency b. proficiency c. insufficiency d. indecency
iv. About in i lawsuit inwards x times he was adamant in addition to wouldn’t live persuaded.
a. Negligent b. stubborn c. witting d. timid

Q. No. 2: (a). Fill inwards the next blanks amongst appropriate prepositions. (05)
i. This passage alludes ………………….. the Islamic Republic of Pakistan resolution.
a. at b. to c. amongst d. of
ii. I am for certain ……………….. my success inwards the examination.  
a. at b. to c. for d. of
iii. He ever grumbles …………….. his lot.
a. at b. inwards c. after d. with
iv. He is blind …………. i eye.
a. of b. at c. from d. in
v. You are no agree ………….. him.
a. for b. amongst c. to d. before
(b). Tick the right options. (05)
i. My manly individual parent gave me many advices.
a.    My manly individual parent gave me many advice. b. My manly individual parent gave me much advices.
c.    My manly individual parent gave me much pieces of advice. d. My manly individual parent gave me many pieces of advice.
ii. Each of us convey a pen.
a. Each of us has a pen. b.  Each of nosotros convey a pen.
c.   Every of us has a pen. d.  Everyone of us convey a pen.
iii. I promise yous are keeping practiced health.
a. I promise yous are keeping a practiced wellness b. I promise yous are enjoying practiced health
c.   I promise yous volition operate on practiced health. d. I promise yous are taking practiced health.
iv. I would become if I was you.
a. I volition become if I was you. b. I would become if I am you.
c.   I would become if I are you. d. I would become if I were you.
v. I am non for certain if he volition succeed.
a.    I am non for certain if he would succeed b.    I am non for certain if he succeeds.
c.    I am non for certain if he had succeed. d.   I am non for certain if he volition live succeeded.

Mr. Chips' Life Timeline

Mr. Chips Life Timeline
1848: Mr. Chip’s was born

1860: He was at Cambridge University for his studies in addition to remained at that spot till 1870

1869: Chips joined Melbury School

1870: He joined Brookfield School

1880: Epidemic German linguistic communication measles broke out

1896: He married Katherine Bridges

1898: Katherine Bridges died

1900: He became senior instructor in addition to the same twelvemonth Ralston was appointed equally headmaster

1902: Chips punished Collingwood     
1908: He rowed amongst Ralston

1911: Chatteris became the caput master copy of the school

1913: Chips resigned from the Brookfield School
1914:  WW1 broke out

1916:  On the asking of Chatteris, he rejoined BFS (Brookfield School)

1917: Chatteris died in addition to Chips became the headmaster of BFS

1918: HE retired for the instant time

1926:  Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 full general strike inwards England

1930: Chips made his will

1933: He died at the historic catamenia of 85

Important Information

It is a famous novel written past times James Hilton. He wrote this novel simply inwards 2 days. This novel was showtime published inwards 1934. The protagonist of this novel is Mr. Chippings who is oftentimes called Mr. Chips.
Mr. Chips , past times profession , is a instructor who teaches Latin in addition to Greek languages. He is a homo of worthy credence. He married Katherine Bridges in addition to this spousal human relationship lasted for 2 years. When she met Mr. Chips i black before their marriage, she called him Good Bye Mr. Chips. At the destination of the novel the same words were said to Chips past times his educatee named Linford. These words influenced Mr. Chips' life both times. This is the argue the cite of the novel is selected equally "Good Bye Mr. Chips".

Principals of Brookfield

  • Wetherby                             1840-1870
  • Meldrum                              1870-1900
  • Ralston                                1900-1911
  • Chatteris                              1911-1917
  • Cartwright                           1917- onward

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