Jumat, 14 Oktober 2016

Model Newspaper Ninth English

Paper English linguistic communication (Compulsory) Time Allowed: 2:10 hours
Class: ninth Essay Type Maximum Marks: 56
2. Answers whatever v of the next questions. 10
i. Why was the Holy Quran sent inward Arabic?
ii. Who was Hellen Keller?
iii. What was the status of mankind earlier the Holy Prophet (S.A.W.)?
iv. What is the most of import component subdivision that media performs?
v. What create the daffodils stand upwards for inward the poem?
vi. Describe some qualities of the nurse inward the story.
vii. What are the causes of drug addiction?
viii. How is purpose of technology scientific discipline causing noise pollution?


3. Translate whatever 2 of the next paragraphs into Urdu. 4, 4

a) The training for this journeying was made at the household of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddique(R.A). Hazrat Asma(R.) rendered useful services inward this regard. She prepared the nutrient for this journey. She tied the nutrient on the camel dorsum amongst her ain belt equally aught else could hold out found. For this service , she was given  the championship of Zaat-un- Nataqin yesteryear the Rasool(SAW)
b) In the evening, a large disclose of tourists in addition to Turks get together inward the green facing the masjid to listen the telephone yell upwards to the even prayer. The masjid is flooded amongst lights in addition to and therefore are the hearts of the believers amongst divine love. Though much has been lost of the Blue Masjid over the years soundless it has non lost the dear of its visitors.
c) Noise pollution causes non alone environmental impairment only it too has a negative affect on human health. It tin motion aggression, hypertension, high stress levels, hearing loss, restlessness, depression, in addition to insomnia that tin farther leads to anxiety, bad temper in addition to emotional stress.
Rewrite whatever 2 to a higher house paragraphs into uncomplicated English.

4. Write downward the summary of the poem, “Daffodils”. 05
Paraphrase the next lines into uncomplicated English linguistic communication amongst reference to the context
The woods are lovely, night in addition to deep,
But I receive got hope to keep,
And miles to become earlier I sleep,
And miles to become earlier I sleep.
5.  Make sentences out of the given words (any five). 05
i. Queer    ii. Embellish     iii. Enormity    iv. Eloquence        v.  Fall a prey    vii. Convolution
vii. Unparallel      vii. Crumble       xi.   Demolish
6. Write a missive of the alphabet to your blood brother most the importance of the report of scientific discipline subjects.           08
Write a story amongst the moral, “All that glitters is non gold.”
Write a dialogue betwixt a instructor in addition to a pupil for coming late.
7. Read the next passage carefully in addition to reply the questions given at the end. 10
The Indian National Congress was founded inward 1885 yesteryear a liberal English linguistic communication human being Mr. A.O Hume. He had joined the Indian Civil Services inward 1849 in addition to retired from service afterward shouldering unlike responsibilities. He had been watching the ugly police in addition to gild province of affairs inward the Blue Planet quite frequently. He was of the sentiment that the highhanded dominion of the Britishers was paving way for whatever unexpected burst of violence. His conception was to pose a security valve to minimize the mounting sentiments against the British rul. It was meant to supply an outlet which could ventilate the revolutionary spirit. Mr. Hume pose his conception earlier Lord Duffrin.
1. Who founded the Indian National Congress?
2. Who was Mr. A.O Hume?
3. When was the Indian National Congress founded?
4. Why did Hume call upwards of founding this political organization?
5. With whom did he utter over his plan?
8. Translate whatever v of the next sentences into English. 05
i. جومحنت کرتا ہےاسکا پھل پاتا ہے
ii. تم چھ بجےسےدوستوں کوخط لکھ رہے ہو
iii. کتنےآدمی باغ میں جمع ہو رہے تھے    
iv. کیا چاند شام سےچمک رہا تھا ؟
v. پولیس کے آنے سے پہلے چور بھاگ گیا تھا
vi. وزیراستعفی نہیں دے گا
vii. کلرک ہڑتال کھول چُکے ہوں گے
8. Alternate interrogation for unusual students whose medium of exam is English, write 10 sentences about, “A House on Fire.”
9. Change the phonation of the following. 05
i. The driver opened the door of the car. Ii. The children are loved yesteryear the mother.
iii. She likes apples iv.  They receive got non done their job.           V. An onetime human being was run over yesteryear a car. vi. You volition purchase a novel house.          Vii. He was reading a novel.

Objective Type.

Paper English linguistic communication (Compulsory) Time Allowed: twenty Minutes
Class: ninth Objective Type Maximum Marks: 19
1. Four possible answers A, B, C in addition to D to each interrogation are given. Choose the right pick in addition to create total the relevant bubble amongst mark or ink pen.
Sr. a. Choose the right shape of verb.  05 (A) (B) (C) (D)
1 She ________ to schoolhouse an hr age Go Is going Will go Went
2 I __________living inward this household for 10 years Is Was Have been Will be
3 I receive got already________ 2 cups of tea. Taken Took Taking Been taken
4 I hope it will_________ raining yesteryear the evening. Stop Stopped Stopping stops
5 She was_______ the students. Taught Teaching Teach teaches
b. Choose the give-and-take amongst the right spellings.       04
(A) (B) (C) (D)
6 Migrratin Migeration Migration Migeration
7 Martyrdom Mortyrdam Moortyrdom Martyrdom
8 Unwarranted Unnwarranted Umwarranted Inwarranted
9 Jocund Jokand Jocend joocand
c. Choose the synonyms of the underlined words.05
(A) (B) (C) (D)
10 It was in addition to therefore frail situation. Difficult Sensitive Fragile Easy
11 Vindictive means Experiment Dedicate text Revengeful
12 Keep upwards your morale Self-esteem Wealth Section Voice
13 Quiver means To demonstrate To milk tremble slightly To deed amusingly To walk leisurely
14 The give-and-take astonish means Surprise Mix Separate happy
d. Choose the right pick according to the grammar. 05

(A) (B) (C) (D)
15 The shoe is pressing on my toe. The underlined phrase is a/an Prepositional phrase Noun phrase Adjective phrase Adverb phrase
16 The man child laughs loudly. The underlined verb is a/an Regular verb Irregular verb Transitive verb Intransitive verb
17 The 2nd which is lost forever. The underlined give-and-take is a/an Indefinite pronoun Reflexive pronoun Demonstrative pronoun Relative pronoun
18 I similar to meet a grinning face. The underlined give-and-take is a/an Adverb Adjective Gerund Past participle
19 Ignorance is a / an Proper noun Material noun Abstract noun Collective noun

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