Jumat, 31 Januari 2020

Bs English Compulsory Flat Outline The Academy Of Sargodha

BS English linguistic communication Compulsory Course
The University of Sargodha
Introductory/compulsory foundation course
The course of study aims at developing grammatical competence of the learners to usage grammatical structures inward context inward social club to brand survive past times sense of learning English linguistic communication to a greater extent than •meaningful. The objectives of the
Course are to (i) reinforce the basics of grammer (ii) empathize the basic meaningful units of language
(iii) Introduce the functional aspect of grammatical categories as well as (iv) encompass linguistic communication use.
1.         Parts of Speech
a.         Types as well as uses of nouns
b.         Types as well as uses of pronouns
c.         Types as well as uses of verbs
i.          Finite verbs (action, modal, helping, transitive n intransitive)
ii.         No-finite verbs (infinitives, participles, gerunds)
d              Types as well as uses of adverbs
e.         Types as well as uses of adjectives
f.          Types as well as uses of prepositions
g.          Types as well as uses of conjunctions
h          Use of article
2.         Common grammatical errors as well as their corrections
3.         Sentence structure
4.         Types as well as functions of sentences
5.         Types as well as functions of phrases
6.         Types as well as functions of clauses
7.         Synthesis of sentences
8.         Conditional sentences
9.         Voice as well as modify of voice
10.       Direct as well as indirect narration
11. Punctuation

            Language: Comprehension & Presentation Skills

Introductory (compulsory foundation course)
Listening Skills
1.         Recognizing dissimilar phonemes
2.         Recognizing syllables
3.         Listening to isolated sentences
4.         Listening to little spoken communication extracts
5.         Managing listening (Attending, understanding, remembering, evaluating, as well as  responding)
6.         Barriers to listening as well as their remedies
7.         Expressing opinions (debating electrical flow events)
8.          Oral synthesis of thoughts as well as ideas

Pronunciation Skills,
1. Pronouncing English. Phonemes
2. Recognizing phone111ic symbols
3. Pronouncing words correctly
4. Understanding as well as practicing stress patterns
5. Practicing intonation patterns inward unproblematic sentences 6.- Conflict resolution through panel discussion
Comprehension Skills
1.         Reading strategies
2.         Critical Reading (SQ3R Method).
3.         Summarizing
4.         Sequencing
5.         Inferencing
6.         Comparing as well as contrasting
7.         Drawing conclusions
8.         Self-questioning
9.         Relating background knowledge.
10.       Distinguishing betwixt fact as well as opinion
11.          Finding the primary idea, of import facts, as well as supporting details
12.       Comprehending text scheme patterns
13.       Investigating implied ideas inward a text
14.       Purpose as well as note of the text
Presentation Skills
1.         Features of expert presentations
2.         Different types of presentations
3.         Different patterns of introducing a presentation
4.         Organizing arguments inward a presentation
5.         Tactics of maintaining involvement of the audience
6.         Concluding a presentation
7.         Giving suggestions as well as recommendations piece ending of a presentation
8.         Dealing amongst the questions of audience
9.         Listening to recorded presentations

Academic Writing
Introductory/compulsory foundation course
The course   aims at providing   understanding of author s’ destination of writing as well as to usage that agreement as well as awareness for academic reading as well as writing. The course of study objectives are to:
          Learn academic writing skills
          Acquire argumentative writing techniques
          Understand referencing the sources
          Learn the technical aspects of referencing

      Academic vocabulary
      Quoting, summing as well as paraphrasing texts
      Process of academic writing
      Rhetoric: Persuasion as well as identification
      Elements of Rhetoric: Text, author, audience, purposes'; setting
      Sentence structure: Accuracy, variation, appropriateness, as well as conciseness
      Sentence Skills (choice of verbs, passive structures as well as nominalizations)
     Appropriate usage of active as well as passive voice
     Types    of    writing
·         Persuasive
·         Argumentative
·         Analytical
·         Comparing as well as contrasting
·         Explaining movement as well as effect
·         Commentaries, as well as consider pieces
·         Personal Profiles
·         Paragraph as well as Essay Writing      
·         Organization as well as construction of paragraph as well as essay
·         Logical reasoning
·         Transitional devices (word, phrase as well as expressions)
·         Development of ideas inward writing
·         Letters
·         Of  Invitation
·         Of Regrets
·         Of Sales/persuasive letters
·         Official Writing
·         Joining/leaving reports
·         Notifications         
·         Meeting notices
·         Minutes of meeting
·         Technical as well as Scientific Reports
·         Styles of documentation
·         In-text citations
·         Plagiarism as well as strategies for avoiding it
·         Issues inward scientific writing (plagiarism, authorship, ghostwriting, reproducible research)
1.         How to produce a peer review; as well as how to communicate amongst the lay public

            Introduction to English linguistic communication Literature

Introductory/compulsory foundation course

Course Objectives are to:
1.provide a working cognition of the characteristics of diverse literary genres.
2.develop analytical skills as well as critical thinking through reading, discussion, as well as written     assignments.
3.broaden a student's intercultural reading experience.
4.deepen a student's awareness of the universal human concerns that are the footing for
Literary works.
5.stimulate a greater appreciation of linguistic communication equally an artistic medium as well as of the aesthetic principles that cast literary works.
6.understand literature equally an appear of human values inside an historical as well as social

      Course contents 
1.         Milton: Book 9, lines 897 - 959 (Adam's spoken communication when she meets Eve later she has eaten the apple)
2.         Shakespeare: All the World is a Stage
3.         Browning:        My concluding Duchess
4.         Wordsworth:   The Leech Gatherer
 5. Keats: Ode to Autumn
 6. Walter De La Mare: Tartary
Short stories
1.         The Necklace
2.         The Woman Who Had Imagination
3.         Shadow inward the Rose Garden•
1.         My tailor
2.         Whistling of the birds
3.          One Act Play: Riders to the sea
4.           Novel :Animal Farm

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