Senin, 18 Juli 2016

Ba English Modern Essay'are Medico Men Of Science'by G .B Shaw

                         George Bernard Shaw

G.B. Shaw, a famous Irish Gaelic novelist, writer, reformer as well as critic, was born inward Dublin. He was
called every bit a modern writer. He was awarded amongst Nobel Prize inward literature inward 1925. He was
also a famous journalist as well as had Witten many books-reviews as well as critical essays including
long prefaces of his ain pay.
‘Are Doctors Men of Science?’ is an extract from Shaw s’ preface to the ‘Doctor Dilemma’. In
this try Shaw is of the persuasion that to a greater extent than or less men accept God similar powers over others. He satirizes
the doctors as well as laughs at the faux pretentions of the medical profession. It is a famous that
the doctors are the men of science, but Shaw denies it.
Shaw proves logically that doctors are non the men of science. Doctors exclusively cure the
diseases as well as cipher more. The trouble organization of the scientists is quite dissimilar that of the
doctors. The scientists invent as well as respect the things they likewise invent to a greater extent than or less novel theories
while the doctors are quite impotent inward this regards. He furthers his betoken of persuasion past times saying
that exactly every bit every captain of the send is non Galileo; every draftsman is non Shakespeare and
every locomotive is non a miracle as well as its driver is non Stephenson, inward the same agency every
doctor is non scientist.
Doctoring is an fine art as well as non a scientific discipline as well as it is non fifty-fifty the fine art of keeping the people healthy.
It is merely the fine art of curing diseases. In this regard their cognition most scientific discipline is no
more e than that of a seat man. The doctors work their profession exclusively to earn coin and
they never brand whatever contribution to science. The run of a scientist is creative one
whereas a Dr. exclusively follows the direction.
The author justifies his betoken of persuasion that fifty-fifty the quack as well as herbalists are doing the same
thing as well as they are making to a greater extent than coin that a qualified doctor. Shaw country that the only
difference betwixt a quack as well as qualified 1 is that the Dr. has the authorization to sign the
death certificate of the patient spell a quack has no authorization to do so. H5N1 Dr. tells the
patient most what to consume as well as what non to eat. This same project is existence done past times the
grandmothers who likewise seat their sons most what to consume as well as what non to eat.

Important Points:
1. Shaw s' mental attitude inward this try mocking one,he makes fun of the faux pretensions of the medical field
2. It is a incorrect concept inward the guild that the people intend that doctors are scientists
3. Shaw says that the doctors are non the men of science
4. The run of a Dr. is quite dissimilar than that of a scientist
5. Doctoring is an fine art as well as it is the fine art of curing the diseases
6. The same run is existence done past times the quacks,herbalists,charmers  as well as fortune tellers.
7. These quacks are making to a greater extent than coin than that of qualified one
8. Shaw is of the persuasion that the exclusively difference between the qualified as well as the quacks is that the qualified has the authorization to sign the endure past times certificate of the patient whereas the quack does non accept this authority

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