Kamis, 09 Maret 2017

10Th Biological Scientific Discipline Subjective As Well As Objective

class 10th bio total length newspaper objective as well as subjective

Name: _________________________________      10th: Biology-A                                   Time: 30 Mins
                                                                                    Marks: 40
Q. No.1: Choose the correct answer.                                                                                                   (40 x 1 = 40)
(1)                Ginger reproduces past times the formation of:
            (A) Rhizomes              (B) Corms                   (C) Bulbs                     (D) Suckers
(2)               The consummate map of human genome was published in:
            (A) 2000                      (B) 2001                      (C) 2002                      (D) 2003
(3)               Increase inward opportunity of pump diseases inward passive smokers:
            (A) twenty - 30%               (B) 25% - 30%            (C) 25% - 40%            (D) 30% - 40%
(4)               The descending limb of loop of Henle allows the reabsorption of:
            (A) Water                    (B) Salts                     (C) Both a as well as b         (D) None of these
(5)               Which are referred every bit brainstem?
            (A) Medulla oblongata                                    (B) Pons                     
(C) Midbrain                                                   (D) All of these
(6)               IPCC was established in:
(a)    1990                      (B) 1992                      (C) 1996                      (D) 1998
(7)               How much poly peptide (dry weight) per patch per twelvemonth is produced past times algae grown inward ponds?
            (A) twenty tons                  (B) 25 tons                 (C) xxx tons                  (D) 35 tons
(8)               Sir Alexander Fleming was awarded Nobel Prize in:
            (A) 1940                      (B) 1945                      (C) 1950                      (D) 1955
(9)               Hallucinogens touching on on:
            (A) Sympathetic nervous organisation                    (B) Parasympathetic nervous organisation
            (C) Both a & b                                                (D) None of these
(10)           The leaflets of corolla are called:
            (A) Petals                    (B) Sepals                    (C) Stamens                (D) Carpels
(11)           The species of bacteria that reproduce past times formation of endospores:
            (A) Clostridium           (B) Bacillus                 (C) Both Influenza A virus subtype H5N1 & B          (D) None of these
(12)           Narrow opening at the flooring of throat which leads to larynx:
            (a) Epiglottis               (b) Glottis                    (c) Nasal Cavity          (d) Nostril
(13)           The waste matter production of carnivorous plants as well as lady finger:
            (a) Resins                    (b) Gums                     (c) Latex                      (d) Mucilage
(14)           How many surgical medical instruments were personally designed past times Abu al-Qasim Al-Zahrawi:
            (a) Less than 200         (b) 200                         (c) Over 200                (d) None of these
(15)           All spinal nerves are:
            (a) Sensory                  (b) Motor                     (c) Mixed                    (d) None of these
(16)           Which is non the constituent of external ear?
(a) Ossicles                  (b) Pinna                      (c) Auditory canal       (d) Ear drum
(17)           When a musculus contracts as well as bends the joint, it is called as:
            (a) Flexor                     (b) Extensor                (c) Flexion                   (d) Extension
(18)           Chemical used inward leather treatment:
            (A) Formic acid           (B) Ethanol                 (C) Glycerol                (D) Acrylic acid
(19)           Which drugs are obtained from animals?
            (A) Fish liver oil          (B) Bee’s wax             (C) Antitoxins             (D) All of these
(20)           In urine chemic composition, the amount of urea:
            (A) 8.9 g/l                    (B) 9.1 g/l                   (C) 9.3 g/l                    (D) 9.5 g/l

(21)           The constituent of encephalon acquaint on the top of medulla:
            (A) Cerebrum              (B) Pons                      (C) Cerebellum            (D) Thalamus
(22)           Blood glucose 2 hours afterward a 75 gram glucose drinkable for pre-diabetic:
            (A) Less than 140 mg/100ml                          (B) From 140 to 200 mg/100ml         
(C) Over 200 mg/100ml                                  (D) From forty to eighty mg/100ml
(23)           Hypogeal germination is found in:
            (A) Maize                    (B) Coconut                (C) Both a & b                        (D) None of these
(24)           In humans, possible issue of chromosomal combinations at fertilization is:
            (A) 70,368,744,177,664                                  (B) 75,364,644,177,664
            (C) 71,368,744,177,664                                  (D) 73,368,744,177,664
(25)           Carpel consists of:
            (A) Stigma                  (B) Style                      (C) Ovary                    (D) All of these
(26)           Date of decease of J. de Lamarck:
            (A) 1740                      (B) 1742                      (C) 1744                      (D) 1829
(27)           Average body of body of water marking ascension inward a year:
            (A) 0.6 cm                   (B) 0.7 cm                   (C) 0.8 cm                   (D) 0.9 cm
(28)           Saccharomyces is used to prepare:
            (A) Formic acid           (B) Ethanol                 (C) Glycerol                (D) Both b & c
(29)           Morphine is derived from:
            (A) Iodine                   (B) Foxglove               (C) Opium                   (D) Aspirin
(30)           Perceptions that convey no footing is reality, but that seem solely realistic:
            (A) Hallucinogens       (B) Narcotics               (C) Emotions               (D) Hallucinations
(31)           The terminate of musculus attached alongside movable bone:
            (A) Extension              (B) Flexion                  (C) Insertion                (D) Origin
(32)           Which vitamin synthesizes rhodopsin?
            (A) A                           (B) B                           (C) C                           (D) D
(33)           Bending of arm at elbow joint:
            (A) Flexor                   (B) Flexion                  (C) Extension              (D) Extensor
(34)           An event of Rhizome is:
(A) Onion                    (B) Garlic                    (C) Ginger                   (D) Potato
(35)           How many plants were used past times Mendel inward his experiments?
            (A) 26,000                   (B) 28,000                   (C) 30,000                   (D) 32,000
(36)           Plants demonstrate contest for:
            (A) Space                    (B) Light                     (C) Water                    (D) All of these
(37)           After ripen ovary alter into::
            (A) Seed                      (B) fruit                       (C)  flower                  (D) nector
(38)           In which twelvemonth Dolly Sheep was produced?
            (A) 1991                      (B) 1993                      (C) 1995                      (D) 1997
(39)           The antigens receive the immune response inward host as well as produce:
            (A) Toxins                   (B) Antitoxins             (C) Antibodies            (D) None of these
(40)           How many lobes are acquaint inward left lung?
            (a) 1                             (b) 2                             (c) 3                             (d) 4

Name: _________________________________      10th: Biology-A                                   Time:2:30 Hours
                                                                                    Marks: 60
Q.2:     Attempt whatever TEN parts from the following.                                                     (10x2=20)

(i)                 What are the bad effects of smoking on the social life of a person?
(ii)               What are “Goosebumps”?
(iii)             What is gout?
(iv)             What is renal cortex?
(v)               Write names of components of coordinated action.
(vi)             Define brusk sight?
(vii)           What is hippocampus?
(viii)         What is the role of cilia acquaint inward trachea as well as bronchi?
(ix)             What is the departure betwixt dominant as well as recessive alleles?
(x)               What is arthritis?
(xi)             Write 4 characters of insect pollinated flowers.
(xii)           What is hilum?
(xiii)         Define mendel’s police clitoris of independent assortment.

Q.3:     Attempt whatever TEN parts from the following.                                                     (10x2=20)
(i)                 What are pollutants?
(ii)               What are restriction endonucleases?
(iii)             What is a drug?
(iv)             What is the departure betwixt shrewd as well as chronic bronchitis?
(v)               Write the chemic composition of urine.
(vi)             What is lithotripsy?
(vii)           What are interneurons?
(viii)         What is grafting?
(ix)             Explain the role of vasopressin.
(x)               How range calcitonin as well as parathormone complement each other?
(xi)             Briefly clitoris the osteoporosis.
(xii)           Define insertion.
(xiii)         What range you lot know well-nigh dengue fever?

Q.4:     Attempt whatever TEN parts from the following.                                                     (10x2=20)
(i)                 What are endospores?
(ii)               Define alternation of generations.
(iii)             What is departure betwixt spermatogenesis as well as oogenesis?
(iv)             What is the departure betwixt homozygous as well as heterozygous genotype?
(v)               What are bio-geochemical cycles?
(vi)             Write lift of pollutants released past times thermal industries.
(vii)           What is a pharmaceutical drug?
(viii)         What is diamorphine? What is its use?
(ix)             What are disinfectants?
(x)               What are the functions of Nitrosomonas as well as Nitrobacter?
(xi)             What is assimilation?
(xii)           Define artificial selection?

(xiii)         What 2 situations are faced past times foliage cells?

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