Sabtu, 06 Juli 2019

Fpsc Syllabus Of English Descriptive Exam For The Post Service Of Inspector Investigation As Well As Assistant Managing Director Fia

How to Prepare English linguistic communication descriptive Test for Posts of Inspector too Assistant Director FIA

 How to Prepare English linguistic communication descriptive Test for Posts of Inspector too Assistant Director FIA FPSC Syllabus of English linguistic communication Descriptive Test for the Post of Inspector Investigation too Assistant Director FIA

Federal Public Service Commission is going to accept written examine for the posts if Inspector Investigation too Assistant Director FIA. FPSC has issued the syllabus of descriptive test. This examine is of seek type inward English linguistic communication which include seek writing, précis writing, comprehension, correction of sentences, sentences making of the words too narration. So hither is the syllabus of that test. Students are advised to gear upwardly for the examine yesteryear next the given below syllabus chart:

Pass Marks
Essay Writing

Précis Writing
Words/Meanings too judgement Making
Grammatical Correction

How to Prepare Test:
Follow these measuring to gear upwardly this examine well. Never purpose i agency or i mass to gear upwardly this test. Consult the sources whatever y'all have.
1.             Read maximum books y'all receive got inward y'all approach
2.              Read DAWN Newspaper on daily basis, peculiarly the editorial pages
3.              Consult the related websites too collect maximum fabric equally y'all can
4.              Watch the video lectures on YouTube related to your topic
5.              Maximum endeavor to write at your ain too acquire it checked yesteryear whatsoever teacher
6.              Take a register too brand the notes of all of import things which y'all read too read that notes off too on
7.      Also read yesteryear papers

Here are approximately links for useful material

Sample Paper
FPSC Descriptive Test for Assistant Director FIA
Marks: 100                                                  Time : 3hrs
Q1: Write an seek of 500 words on whatsoever i of the next topics. 25
1.Role of Media
2.Digital Revolution and Pakistan
3.Role of Democracy
4.Great Nations Win Without Fighting

Q2: Read the passage carefully too answer the next inquiry given at the end.20
Our kickoff human ancestors were a rare species. They lived nether precarious conditions, exposes to rigorous of the weather, to the hostility of the wild beasts, too to the unsafe of famine that could live caused yesteryear the drought. They possessed no weapon, they in all probability had non mastered the purpose of burn downward too if they had linguistic communication of whatsoever sort, it must receive got consisted of no to a greater extent than than a few cries. Their i weapon inward the scrap for existence was tidings too tidings at kickoff was really far from beingness too so powerful a weapon equally it has become. The biological usefulness of tidings consists largely inward the possibility of transmitting experience. An creature may larn from approximately other creature what it truly sees done, but it cannot larn through narrative, a man, when he has acquired language, tin give the axe create too so too hence the tidings of each private tin give the axe acquire the belongings of the whole tribe too each generation tin give the axe manus on to the adjacent a multitude of skills which would live beyond the ability of whatsoever creature species to transmit.


1. Under what conditions did our ancestors live?
2. How would they peradventure receive got expressed themselves?
3. What weapon did they purpose inward their scrap for existence?
4. How tin give the axe experience live transmitted without speech?
5. Suggest the suitable championship of the passage?

Q3:Make a Precis of the passage too give a suitable title.25

Life is a large school, where nosotros larn many novel things every day. We endure many misfortunes which learn us to dependent champaign ourselves too follow a wise course of didactics of action. If nosotros examine ourselves too search our thoughts, nosotros uncovering that nosotros receive got many weaknesses too drawbacks. Our feelings are non truthful too sincere too our thoughts are non honourable too just. Our actions are faux too dishonest. How tin give the axe nosotros blame others inward such a case? Why should nosotros non cheque ourselves inward our incorrect ways? Similarly, nosotros tin give the axe experience satisfied that others are besides human beings too they receive got their ain quota of faults too failures. The golden rule, therefore, is to cease lying too passing painful remarks on others. If nosotros listen whatsoever backbiting or lose talk, nosotros ought to plow deaf ear to it. If soul asks us to create a incorrect affair tin give the axe desists from committing it amongst courage too apology. If nosotros create anything wrong, nosotros tin give the axe repent too right ourselves too continue away from it inward future. Nobody asks us to create anything on pistol point. So, allow us resolve to follow the right path-the path of those whom Allah Almighty has blesses too non of those whom His wrath has accursed. “Self-discipline, self –restraint too self-control” is the golden dominion of life.

Q4:Write the meanings of the given words too purpose them inward sentence.10


Q5: Correct the next sentence. 10

1.He said that he is going to Murree.
2.Let they operate hard.
3.It is her who is doing grand task.
4.Two too ii brand four.
5.He enjoyed the concert.

Q6: Change the narration.  10

1.He said, "It is fine weather condition here".
2.They said, "What is your name?"
3.She says, "I am non feeling well."
4.They told that they should see him the adjacent day.
He said, "What are y'all doing instantly a days?"

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